Sunday, January 31, 2010

ollie, ollie, oxen-free....

Have you ever had to hire a private investigator? Do you know someone who has? My dad had to hire one back in the 70's to find his long-lost brother. His brother just up and disappeared and my dad could not find him for over two years.

Until he hired the PI. Turns out he was just living in Arizona with his new woman. I believe he had five wives total. Not all at once, of course.

Have you ever gone two years without having any sort of contact with an immediate family member?

Anyway, my uncle died a very lonely man. None of his kids or ex-wives would have anything to do with him when he was alive or even after he was dead. My dad cremated him and he sat in their basement for a couple of years while my dad waited for one of his kids to bury him.

My dad finally buried him.

Warm Regards,

Monday, January 25, 2010

heavy heart part two

The deed is done and hearts are indeed, heavy. Rest in peace my sweet Macaroni.

May your days all be warm and filled with endless balls to chase, endless shoes to shred and endless tummy rubs.

Warm Regards,

heavy heart

So what do I do? Here's the abbreviated version of the problem: Family adopts dog from shelter. Family, (especially little boy), falls in love with dog. Dog begins growling at everyone but family. Dog begins BITING everyone but family. Vet says dog must either go back to shelter or be put "down."

I've got three options:
1. Call Animal Control tomorrow and have them pick up the dog....they will put the dog down.
2. Take the dog to the vet and have the vet put the dog down.
3. Take the dog back to the shelter. However, this is a "no kill" shelter. Although the dog is old and can't have more than 2 years left anyway, I can't stand the thought of him living in a tiny cage for the rest of his life.

I'm very torn up about all this. However, my son is going to really suffer over this. Now comes the question about what we tell him. I'm really leaning towards a nice older couple from Utah, who live on a big ranch, needed a guard dog and that's where our dog ended up.

In any case, no matter what avenue I take, it's going to be a sad day for everyone tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mmmm......CANDY!!!! Candycandycandycandycandy

Holy Crap! I just ate a one pound box of See's candy, (nuts and chews), all by myself! I am so glad no one knows who I am!

Do any of you ever do that? Just get going on something and before you know it, it's all gone. I'm shocked that I ate it all. It did take me two days. And one pound really isn't that many chocolates.

Just listen to me starting to rationalize all of it. I wish they gave out Nobel Peace Prizes for the Art of Rationalization....I would so win!

So tell me some of the outrageous things you have rationalized in your lives. C'mon, out with it!

Warm Regards,

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tardy, Late, Not-Punctual....

I sit here waiting. Someone was supposed to be here at a certain time; just got a call and they are running 30 minutes late. Which of course in late time actually means 45 minutes. I know all this since I am the Queen of Late.

Has anyone seen my crown?.......

Warm Regards,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Shades of hell

We had our first hard freeze last night. I was very worried about my newly-acquired white leghorn chickens, Lavern and Shirley. Apparently, their combs are in danger of frostbite if they are in sub-freezing temperatures.

Obviously, I had to do something. So I bought a red heat bulb and placed it in the door of the hen house. It was hell. I mean, it looked like hell. I don't know how those poor chickens got any sleep with that red light glaring at them.

I checked on them a few times during the night and it was a funny sight to see. A little brown hen house with red light shooting out of all the little holes and crevices.

I had to break the ice on their water this morning, but I'm happy to say that Laverne and Shirley are doing well. Despite their night in purgatory.

It's going to freeze again tonight.'s back to hell for them I guess.

Off the subject; A company called me today. I answered and was told by a computer to please hold for an important message from them. Hello! Don't call me and put me on hold. Is there seriously someone out there that really holds for these people? I'd like to hear from you.

Warm Regards,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bits of this and that....

While putting up our Christmas decorations, I noticed that the Baby Jesus was missing from our small, ceramic, very badly made, Nativity. (Someone left it on our porch one Christmas, VERY sweet)!

I've oftened longed for a new Nativity due to it being small, ceramic and very badly made. I've never gotten a new one due to the fact that this one was a gift. Not only was it a gift, it was an anonymous gift. (You know how much I love anonymous).

So instead of shouting for joy that I finally had a reason to get a new Nativity, I was actually somewhat sad about it. I mean, how do you throw away Mary, Joseph, little Shepard boys, etc? Just HOW do you do that?!

So I've come up with a plan. I'm not sure about all the particulars yet, so I'll just give you the Index version. I am going to buy a new Nativity. And I'm going to purposefully hide the Baby Jesus.

Then, during the two weeks or so before Christmas, we will have regularly scheduled, "hunts" to find the Baby Jesus. These "hunts" will include caroling to widows, writing to folks in the military, and basically, all good works one can think of.

What better way to find the Baby Jesus than to do His will? To serve those He would serve if He were here Himself?

Now, totally off topic; oyster crackers. Are they just the greatest or what?

Warm Regards,