Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's face it.....

....we are in big, BIG trouble!

I used to have a life-threatening disease; you know, one of those "rare" weird ones that no body's ever heard of. Turns out there are only a handful of doctors in this country who even understand this disease and can treat it properly.

I found an amazing website and message board with tons of information about this condition which led me to the handful of doctors who could help me. I was treated and cured. So that's my happy ending, right?

Uh, well, for me it is, anyway.

The message board that helped me out so much has members from folks all over the world who have had the ill fortune of having this same life-threatening condition as I had. Many, and I mean, MANY of them are from countries where health care is government run.

They DO NOT GET WELL! Because of socialized medicine, the doctors there do not have any incentive to do research on the hard to diagnose and treat illnesses. No one in those countries specializes in these hard to treat illnesses.

So I read and read and read about all those poor souls who can't get ANYONE to listen to them and then I read and read and read their obituaries.

A very few lucky ones have the resources to come to our great country and get treatment. Those who don't, well, I already told you what happens to them.

And we want this crap here? I do not. I thank God every day that I am already cured and feel very sorry for my sick fellow citizens who will not be able to get fixed even in this country because of socialized medicine.

Luckily, there is one bright spot in all this. I am a firm believe that Jesus Christ will return again to the earth in power and great glory. All this crap our government is doing to take away our freedoms is just hastening His coming.

God help us all.

Warm Regards,

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