Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So last night a friend of my husband's dropped in for a visit. Unannounced. Does this bother you when people just pop in and expect you to drop absolutely everything to visit with them?

For the most part, I don't care. I think it's even kinda neat that someone would think of me for no reason, really, and drive to my house just to talk about nothing in particular. It's really great when they come right after the cleaning lady has come. Which was the situation last night.

So we all got to talking about the state of our country. I don't care who's side you are on; I think we can all agree that things are a mess.

For whatever reason, it got me thinking about a conversation I had about 13 years ago. America was involved in one of those little skirmishes we had during the 90's and there was a rumor going around that the government was going to bring the draft back.

My husband and myself were talking about this with one of my good friends and her husband. We started really thinking about how hard it would be if one of our sons was ever drafted and we had to send them off to war. Send them off to kill or be killed. Send them off to witness violence and images that would live forever in their nightmares. Send them off with the knowledge we may never see them alive again. *Shudder*

My friend's husband retorted that if the draft was ever reconstituted, he and his sons would immediately head for Canada. The subject was soon changed and the mood was lightened.

As my husband and I were driving home I brought up the comment made about running to Canada. My husband spoke quietly but forcefully and said, "We would send our son off to defend freedom with pride and honor."

And ya know, we would.

War is ugly and does very little good for anyone. But sometimes, you just got no choice. There are some things in this world that are more important than ourselves.

What do you think?

Warm Regards,

ps. Just wanted to add that one of the phrases I miss most saying is, "Hey, it's the 90's!" I guess if I live long enough I can use it again in about 80 or so years.

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