Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My very first blog post.....EVER!

Ya know, I'm not telling one soul about this blog. As you've surmised it's completely anonymous. I'm wondering if anyone is actually going to read this and actually respond to this blog.

It's 12:20AM where I live. My poor son has croup and can't sleep which, of course, means mom can't sleep either. Not that I really mind. I love being a mom. I had to wait quite some time for it to happen so I try to appreciate every second. Even the seconds that include not sleeping due to croup.

Speaking of moms: I am a SAHM and really love it. I've had the successful career and the kind of big paychecks. I must admit, I really miss that paycheck.

However, I'm of the opinion that no one can raise my kids better than me. And a paycheck just doesn't make up for missing so much of my kids' lives. Am I living in the dark ages or what?

Actually, I've noticed that women who choose to stay home to raise the critters are not looked upon too favorably anymore. Does anyone else get this vibe, too?

It's like if you choose to stay home you are somehow not contributing to society. The way I see it, I'm raising a family and teaching them, (ahem, trying to teach them), to be kind, thoughtful, have integrity, be a good citizen and to love their neighbors. I'd say that's a pretty good contribution to society.

No one needs me to say that raising kids aint easy. Man I wish they came with a handbook. I remember when my son was just a few months old, he would only sleep when I was holding him. I called my mom, babbled on about the problem in a sleep-deprivated haze and asked her, the successful mother of five children, what I was suppossed to do.

She told me, "Oh, you just deal with it." So much for the manual.

Anyway, I do have a degree and could be making decent money. I choose to make decent kids instead. Going to work is soooo much easier!

I know staying at home just isn't for everyone and isn't financially feasible for everyone. And that's ok. I'm just glad I have the choice.

When I was doing my student teaching one of the teachers at the school came back from her six weeks of maternity leave. She cried and cried. Most of the female teachers sighed, said they understood and just let her cry.

I just think that's so sad.

Warm Regards,

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